Wednesday, August 12, 2009

An amazing month of learning....

It is now AUGUST! WOW! It has been some kind of summer!I started this blog basically to keep myself amused while T was at Basic,and so now that he is home I am what?I want to keep writing though and so I shall press on.I think I mentioned before that writing is cathartic for me...I have always enjoyed it,particularily in my youth.I used to have a pretty good collection of poetry that I had written.I am not sure where it has gone though...kind of sad really.So it is what it is.Nothing more.
I have attracted some amazing things into my life in the past month...
After reading The Secret I was talking to a friend(who is on that same path)and she mentioned a book called Hidden Treasures,and some websites that the author has.I felt it resonate with me so I wrote them down and checked them out later.That has led me into some serious life learning about not just the law of attraction but also other universal laws that we are all subject to.
1)Law of Perpetual Transmutation
2)Law of Relativity
3)Law of Vibration
4)Law of Polarity
5)Law of Rythym
6)Law of Cause and Effect
7)Law of Gender/Gestation
8)Vaccuum Law of Prosperity

This learning has really started to change how I look at myself and the Universe(and God).In a good way though.I think I have a good spiritual foundation,but there is ALWAYS growth that needs to happen. i think this year(and all its craziness)has been a sort of refiners fire. Its necessary for us to pay a price for knowledge and growth.And its ok.Its all relative anyways,because there is always something that could be much worse or much better.It really depends on how we look at it.I have realized finally too that God desires to bless me with my dreams and wants.I knew that on a intellectual level but I now realize that more in my heart.I think alot of us are raised with the belief that we have to struggle and that life is SO hard.That was the underlying concept in my home.We unconciously take those beliefs into our adult lives.I am not saying that life doesn't and shouldn't have challenges,but we can look at and approach them differently.We CAN change our thought patterns and attract better things and circumstances into our lives.We don't need to create more drama.So a great big thankyou to thoughts alive for bringing good things to the world!