Sunday, September 13, 2009

First day of kindergarten tommorow! wow!We are ready, I think...
Where has the time gone? My baby girl has turned into a 5 yr old.I am actually pretty good with her going to "the big school", as she and I are both ready. SHE needs the challenge for sure...and routine and friends.She still hasn't forgiven me for taking her away from her friends and life in Berwyn.I thought she would be over it by now...but alas,NO!And she does not really understand that those friends have moved on with their lives.

Ok thats my mothers lament for today...

So... Yesterday I took some teenagers to the Okanagan LDS 10k and half marathon event in Kelowna...I ran-walked the 10k...yeah.It was fun actually and as I was doing it I got to thinking about next year and how I would like to be able to run MORE of it... so it was a great incentive for me to get in better shape this year!I will definately be there next year! I won`t do run on a Sunday, and they are few and far between on Saturdays.I will be there! As I was walking I really felt like the tortoise...HAHAHA...but considering most people rode their bikes...I didn`t mind being at the back of the pack. I worked WAY harder than them!I am proud of myself.

I am doing a home study course from Thoughts Alive called:
Family Time and Money Freedom. It is slowly changing my way of thinking(as mentioned in my other posts).This week I am on lesson 4:The Stickman Concept.Basically I am learning about how my concious and subconcious mind and body work together.It is truly fascinating stuff.
«our conscious mind: awareness
ability to accept or reject ideas
ability to create new ideas
Thats our filter.We all have programs running in our concious minds that determine what we accept or reject.We can delete and upload new ones though if we want.That`s what is interesting to me.I knew about filters and such but I never really took the time to know what mine were.Especially with money.I never really got it that my program has been...
Money is scarce,you must struggle to obtain it.

And so I have created that reality for myself!

I am in the process of uploading a new program:
My life is abundant.Money flows easily into my life as I need it!
I like that better!

It takes work everyday to change the programming...but I am getting there!I literally have to spend time every morning having those thoughts and feeling how it feels to have my dreams.Meditating so to speak.

Tony and I have already created a new reality in our lives.His name is Cole and he is a Black Lab. A few weeks ago I mentioned maybe getting a dog to have a added protection around the yard.So we started preparing the yard and house(vaccuum law of prosperity),and searching online and in papers for a dog.Now it had to be the RIGHT dog(personality wise) for our family.We didn`t want a puppy,it had to be medium sized and our price point was under 200...oh and MALE.We walked toward the goal and met it halfway...that`s the beauty of it.So within a couple weeks we saw an ad in the local paper for a rescue place nearby and we both seperately felt that we should call it.SO we did. They had LOTS of dogs and so we went out and looked.There he was!Amazing!And he is the most perfect dog ever!

That is creating.We didn`t do it alone...we worked with the universe and it happened.So if we can create that reality than what is different than creating an abundant money filled,financially free reality...

The point is there is NO difference.Its all what we create.

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