Tuesday, June 30, 2009

hello again!

its been a couple weeks since my last post...I have been busy with life and kids.

So ok...T goes to basic training, then 2 weeks in contracts of all things the SWINE FLU! yeah.bizarre.So I of course was totally freaked out and not knowing how he was doing all the time he was in quarantine.Seems like for all the military talk of supporting families, they fail miserably.the only phonecall I got was from a fellow private...and that was because T ASKED HIM TO!no official phone calls telling me that my husband was terribly ill.Nada.Oh yeah and all of a sudden when there were 5 people in quarantine with this,they decide to change the status of the illness to a basic flu.yeah right...they just don`t want to report it to health canada and get the whole place quarantined.Whatever,that is their issue...mine is the health of my husband.When I did phone to get a status about his health I got brushed off...oyeah we`ll get the message to his staff to call his wife....didn`t happen.makes me wonder what would happen if he was on his deathbed.and you know what...I really did not know at the time!

So anyways this was a catalist for him...i guess he has had a wake up call and has realized that the CF isn`t what he want for himself after all...so he is coming home in the next 2 weeks and then what...I have no idea! Its cool to touch a dream even if you don`t quite reach it.sometimes you realize that you are on the wrong ladder and thats ok!better now than later I guess...although it did put us through the ringer through this whole process of seeming nothingness! sometime we will understand this whole year and all the crazy wierdness that it has been! I so don`t get it at all...
guess I will have to change the title of my blog soon...

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