Monday, June 8, 2009

Our trip to the uh...''circus''

The circus is in town!hooray hooray!What a splendid way to entertain the children thinks I.And even better than that there is a 4:15 show...not too late...can have the kids in bed on time!Perfect! So off we head "free" tickets in hand. Free by the way is a very relative term, as anyone who has attented such an event knows all too well.What it really means is that the children get in for "free" BUT the adults are 20 bucks! EACH! AND then they sell things like light wands and such for like 12 bucks each and the popcorn and all that food that goes with circus attending.
Nevertheless I am willing to do this for the children...C in particular.So we get there,a stash of microwave popcorn tucked away in the diaper bag AND a light wand that I had purchased for a couple bucks last month.I am not ashamed to admit that either!
First thing that hits me whe we walk through the door? BIG SIGN:no outside food or drink allowed.ya whatever thinks I.I am on a budget and my children are worth it.
Next thing that hits me: CASH ONLY
WHAT??? suck.So I say to the girl at the table "that would have been nice to know"...I really wasn't trying to be snotty at all but I think she took it that way cause she hit me with this HUGE attitude.So I say "I will be back" thinking in my head where oh where is a bank machine in walking distance cause it's HOT outside and I have a 4 year old and a baby in stroller...ah 7-11 is not far! so we walk over there and pull 40 dollars out(plus 1.50 cause its not my bank).We walk back to the circus arena and finally ready to see the circus...
BUT for some reason the money that I had just had was GONE!not in my wallet,not in my diaper bag...just gone! I honestly have NO idea! Did I even pull it out of the machine??maybe...I think so...I don't know!the bank machine receipt is most definately this time the circus had WAY started and I was not about to do this all over to break the news to C..."hey you know I really can't find the money about we go to the waterpark and then DQ for dinner?" OK! phew! She loves DQ cause of the that's always a good bribe.
So we went with that plan and it worked for us...we were sad to miss the circus and resigned to try again next year.But the most important thing is that we made the most of it;and C was a good sport.

Wierdness happens...

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